Need to experiment the concept of ACP

Hello guys, I attended the Spryker excite 2023 event and it was very interesting to watch the live demo of ACP in the developer stage. So I was trying to check it in my local just to get to know more about ACP and trying to connect some third party apps to Spryker. But I got to know from the documentation that I need to register for ACP enablement. Also found that the application needs to be hosted on the Spryker cloud platform. Can't I try to do this in my local environment and maybe try to connect some non-existing app in the ACP catalog to the Spryker shop. Please let me know whether this is possible or not. and if possible, some info about how to achieve that will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Best Answer
Hello @vparannattilcherul ,
I am glad you found the live demos of ACP interesting and thank you so much for coming to Excite!! Hope you thoroughly enjoyed it.
This is a very good question! Luckily one of our Senior Product Managers @Thomas spotted a question exactly asking this the other day and has responded.
Check out the discussion below, feel free to comment in here or on the other discussion if you have any questions, comments or require further help.Many Thanks
Hello @vparannattilcherul ,
I am glad you found the live demos of ACP interesting and thank you so much for coming to Excite!! Hope you thoroughly enjoyed it.
This is a very good question! Luckily one of our Senior Product Managers @Thomas spotted a question exactly asking this the other day and has responded.
Check out the discussion below, feel free to comment in here or on the other discussion if you have any questions, comments or require further help.Many Thanks
James2 -
Hello James,
i understand the way you're doing this. But it will be really painful when we try to sell the customers the features of ACP as we have nowhere to show them this will work without purchasing the license. This way, we are confined to just inform them that this feature is available (on paper), but cant do a live demo. Please let us know if there are any option for access to a test/temporary credentials or something like that which will enable us to use the ACP feature.
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Hi everybody,
I also joined the Excite session where Ahmed seemed to do everything locally - he also run 'docker/sdk up' of his development setup directly in real time in front of our eyes!
Thus I was attracted in way that I thought: I must try this out on my box! Because SCOS is the software which gives us as developers all we need by its very genuine DNA!What happened is that my local B2B demo is saying 'Please contact your Success Manager' and also from the docs no more info about the setup which Ahmed was using.
When you write
"The reason for [not being possible to connect apps from the ACP catalog to your local development environment] is, that it requires an account for your environment and registration based on these account credentials so your environment would be fully ACP-enabled. We do not support this for external local environments as of now."
I hear that there are 'external' vs 'internal' local setups …. this sounds a bit like the need for a deep connection to SprykerPaas where I next get wondering about the designed development process for ACP assets?
So, would you please have an answer
- how the ACP development process is designed to be
- from when on
such that I can argue against my management how I as a solution designer/developer will be able to implement applications distributed by ACP?
Many thanks in advance,
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Hello @stephan.lo & @vparannattilcherul ,
Absolutely, our product team are fully understanding of the need to have local development capabilities for ACP.
I am not sure that we have any timelines as of yet, but, let me get in touch with the product team and see what I can dig out.
Many Thanks1
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