Have to wait a long time to receive order confirmation email
hi team,
After I placed an order successfully, I had to wait more than 1 hour to see the order confirmation email.
I really can't find a place where I can configure it to immediately receive an email after an order is successfully created. Or any command to run to check email
Hau Nguyen
Do you mean to see the email in MailHug on your dev environment?
Did you check your OMS event for order confirmation?
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hi @Hidran Arias,
Yes, I see it in mailhog from local dev environment
Did you check your OMS event for order confirmation?
I couldn't find it, Where is it checked? Can you give me the file path that it checks?Thank
Hau Nguyen
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You find it in config/zed/oms
We have a course on oms. Check it out!
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