Product search with availability status (active)

Team, does Spryker product search consider product availability status as part of search criteria or do we need to implement customized QueryExpanderPlugin to add the availability status?
Best Answer
You will need to implement this, it's not an out of the box feature
We already have such a plugin, please check \Spryker\Client\SearchElasticsearch\Plugin\QueryExpander\IsActiveQueryExpanderPlugin. it's enabled in the B2B and B2C demoshops by default.
Also, we have a more sophisticated version with a date-range \Spryker\Client\SearchElasticsearch\Plugin\QueryExpander\IsActiveInDateRangeQueryExpanderPlugin .
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IsActiveQueryExpander checks for active status ( isactive field)of the products right? but I need to check for quantity available status based on the product concrete quantity field, quite similar to the check on cart page( On product quantity exceeds the available status throws an error out of stock). Here I ned to list down only active and available products, ho
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You will need to implement this, it's not an out of the box feature
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