How do I force regeneration of the spy_product_abstract_page_search table's contents?
Hi Team - I hope this is a simple question. I would need a clean way for regenerating the spy_product_abstract_page_search
table's contents as a part of its data is not accurate (some of the categories were altered previously in a not-quite-clean way; that has been sorted out since, but some of the products are still shown with incorrect categories in the shop, even though they do have the correct ones in spy_product_abstract_category
… but spy_product_abstract_page_search
wasn't updated for some reason and thus neither were the contents of ES). So I'd like to have this fixed by regenerating and republishing the ES data. But how do I do that, exactly…?
Best Answer
docker/sdk console publish:trigger-events -r product_abstract
docker/sdk console publish:trigger-events -r product_abstract
6 -
Thanks, @ynnoig !
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