Any lunch recipes to share?

Hey all 👋 I am sooo sick of my lunch salads! Does anyone have any go-to lunches or quick & easy meal prep ideas for during the work week?
PS - I'm a vegetarian but I can edit out the meat or substitute for the fake stuff ;)
It's soup season now 😍
I have started with a Carrot and Coriander soup, but, it is store bought! I am going to be making soup very soon.
The other quick go to is a simple Pasta Salad, 100g of pasta (pre-cooked weight), tablespoon of mayo, salt, pepper, add chopped cucumber, pepper, sweetcorn, tomatoes, and mix up.0 -
@James Hooper I forgot about SOUPPPP, such a good call! This is the perfect time of year for it. I made an amazing butternut squash/coconut one last fall but when I tried to recreate my "masterpiece" it was terrible and then I stopped making soups 😂 Going to pick this back up! Also thanx for the pasta salad recipe 😛
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