Star Wars or Star Trek?
James Hooper
Senior Technical Trainer Sprykee Posts: 67 βοΈ - Guardians (admin)
As some of you know, I LOVE Star Wars, but, don't let that sway your decision here π
Are you one who waves your hand and says"may the force be with you" OR would you rather "live long and prosper"β¦.
Let's goooooooooooo
Star Wars or Star Trek? 8 votes
May The Force be With You
How is that even a question? Spock does not even remotely compare to Master Yoda.
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May The Force be With You
I like your thinking :D
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May The Force be With You
Even if just to say "May the 4th be with you" every May 4th π
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I refuse to answer! π I love both worlds so much (although for both sticking more to the classic movies and series instead of all the new stuff).
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May The Force be With You
Ever seen this easter egg?
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