🗓 Ask Me Anything - All about Docu (November 16th)

Samuel Pais
Samuel Pais Sprykee Posts: 86 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
edited October 2023 in Spryker News

Your CommerceQuest team is coming your way with another great opportunity to learn and discuss!

We are going to host a vibrant Ask Me Anything with @Simon Brugger from Spryker - who owns Spryker's documentation initiatives!

In a nutshell

On the 16th of November, 3pm - 4pm CET, we will host an interactive session asking a bunch of your questions regarding documentation to Simon. It will be conversational and insightful!

This is for you if…

  • you have pressing questions regarding Spryker documentation
  • you have ideas on how to improve the documentation experience
  • you know the hate-love-relationship developers might have with documentation
  • you want to know what is the first thing Simon does every morning

Or/and you want to join another great CommerceQuest community event 🥳

How it works:

  1. Sign up here: https://commercequest.space/events/12
  2. Share your questions (Deadline 13th of November)
    1. As a comment under this post
    2. Via this form
    3. Send me your question as a DM (direct message) via CommerceQuest
  3. Attend the event and join the conversation!

In case questions are not answered in the session, we will get back to you with a written summary 😁

See you there and don't forget: documentation is a love letter about your product or service!

