Setup Spryker B2B shop on window10

I tried to setup spryker demo shop on window10 system, I run the below command to get started:
- git clone
- cd b2b-demo-shop
- git clone
- docker/sdk bootstrap
On running last command , terminal says "-bash: docker/sdk: No such file or directory". Could someone help me how to setup srpyker demo shop on window10? I m doing it first time on window.
Below is the exact error:
Running generator
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException: File "/data/deployment/project.yml" does not exist. in /data/vendor/symfony/yaml/Parser.php:54
Stack trace:
#0 /data/deploy-file-generator/src/Processor/Executor/PreExecutors/PrepareDeployFileTransferExecutor.php(45): Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser->parseFile('/data/deploymen...')
#1 /data/deploy-file-generator/src/Processor/DeployFileProcessor.php(90): DeployFileGenerator\Processor\Executor\PreExecutors\PrepareDeployFileTransferExecutor->execute(Object(DeployFileGenerator\Transfer\DeployFileTransfer))
#2 /data/deploy-file-generator/src/Processor/DeployFileProcessor.php(38): DeployFileGenerator\Processor\DeployFileProcessor->execute(Array, Object(DeployFileGenerator\Transfer\DeployFileTransfer))
#3 /data/index.php(1397): DeployFileGenerator\Processor\DeployFileProcessor->process(Object(DeployFileGenerator\Transfer\DeployFileTransfer))
#4 /data/index.php(19): buildProjectYaml('/data/deploymen...')
#5 {main}
thrown in /data/vendor/symfony/yaml/Parser.php on line 540 -
thw correct command is
git clone --single-branch docker
otherwise the created folder is docker-sdk and not dockerif you leave the folder the way it is, then you should use
docker-sdk/sdk bootstrap
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey @mohammed.shamim,
I saw this exception some more time in the past. So far it seems that it was solved by the reporter all the time but we rarely got feedback what worked in the end.
Here is a list of things you could try, one after another and test which one may work for you:
- Restart docker and/or your whole computer
- Check if you execute all commands inside the WSL2 (so in the Ubuntu)
- Maybe it is a permission problem:
- If it is an older project, update docker-sdk
- If you are still using WSL2 or an older version of WSL2, please update to WSL2
Hope one of these ideas will help you. It would be very nice if you could report what helped in the end, if sth was successful :D
All the best,
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Thanks, I m using WSL2 and I goes ahead after using above suggestion on window, actually used sudo before command but running docker/sdk bootstrap command gives me error like "ERROR [cli-basic 2/10] RUN bash -c 'if [ ${BLACKFIRE_EXTENSION_ENABLED} = 1 ]; then mkdir -p /tmp/blackfire && architecture=$(case $(un 11.1s". please see attached screen shot for detail.
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
I saw the mysterious problem of not being able to resolve the blackfire host now quite often.
I think I slowly understand the underlying problem. Are you using a VPN?
It seems that windows + WSL2 + vpn messes up with the network settings :/
Have a look here:
If you would disable the vpn and restart the WSL2 stuff etc it should work.Please let us know if this would resolve your latest challenge :)
All the best,
PS.: I'll move this topic into the Development Environment sub-category
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i do't use any vpn. Connected with my home wifi. I struck at it, each time I up the application, its getting halt with the black fire client in docker file. Not sure as for now how to go surpass this.
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
hmm.. so VPN is out here.
Have you tried pinging or somehow access
from your host and from within WSL2?All the best,
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yes, I ping and I did't received packets or reply. but I have internet connnectivity in WSL window.
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
this seems to be the problem :( This is not directly Spryker related and I can sadly not reproduce it by myself to help you anyway :/ Please try to search through a search engine of your choice for WSL2 and problems related to dns resolving.
Would be cool if you can post here once you found a solution 💪
All the best,
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