Confusion about certification structure

ingo.kaiser Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 18 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

At the moment I am tackling my yearly spryker developer certification duty. I am confused about the certification structure, since its not really clear to me.

There seem to be 3 relevant courses to me

  • Spryker Backend Fundamentals Certification Exam
  • Spryker Backend Intermediate Certification Exam
  • Spryker Developer Foundations Certification Exam

Previously i only did the foundations exam. 100 questions. 1h30m or so. But this was locked at some point so i cant do it, but I was told that fundamentals + intermediate is the same like foundations, and this is now the "new" certification flow.

This would make sense since fundamentals + intermediate is the same price as the foundations exam. So we purchased them both.

I started and passed the fundamentals first. But after this, the foundations was immediately unlocked and i also passed it. But the intermediate is still open.

Also in the description of the foundations there is a hint, that fundamental + intermediate is required to do this exam …

I am confused now

Am I now certified again or not?

Here the summary

fundamentals: passed

foundations: passed

intermediate: open

What is required?
