Product validity table cleanup
\Spryker\Zed\ProductValidity\Persistence\ProductValidityQueryContainer::queryProductsBecomingInvalid queries db table spy_product_validity for items that are valid_to < now.
But is this table ever cleaned up anywhere?
From what I can tell, the check-product-validity Jenkins job runs every hour (or whenever it's set up to run), does the above query, sets the resulting products as inactive and… that's it. The spy_product_validity table is untouched, and the next job run does the same things all over again.
Best Answer
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,089 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
so I checked the code and I would say so as well. Overall Spryker rarely deletes any product related data ootb.So this table grows over time….
Likely not the answer you wish for, yet: If you run into performance issues because of this I ask you kindly to create an official support ticket so the problem is being tracked.
All the best,
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,089 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
so I checked the code and I would say so as well. Overall Spryker rarely deletes any product related data ootb.So this table grows over time….
Likely not the answer you wish for, yet: If you run into performance issues because of this I ask you kindly to create an official support ticket so the problem is being tracked.
All the best,
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Thanks Florian! I'll probably add an isActive-check to the query and make an official ticket about this Sometime™ when I have time :)
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