📢 Calling All Developers: Need 10 min of your time to test a prototype!

Nuwan Withanage
Nuwan Withanage Senior UX designer Sprykee Posts: 3 🏛 - Council (mod)
edited October 2023 in Spryker News

Hi everyone,

We would love to have you on board to test one of our prototypes and help contribute to shaping our developer experience.

The test is about the dev experience revolving around Code Upgrader. Even if you are not familiar with that area, we still encourage you to give it a try.

During the test, you will be asked to enable recording on your screen and this is optional so feel free to do it however way you prefer :)

Recorded insights will be used solely for internal purposes to improve our product.

If you have any questions please DM me or post in the comments.

Thank you for your participation! Let's make our developer experience even better together! 🚀

Start Testing here –  https://t.maze.co/192292662

⏰ Ideal deadline by 10th of Nov.
