Meeting Recap: Ask Me Anything | Project Tech Lead Edition (October '23)

Lauren Kulwicki
Lauren Kulwicki (ex) Senior Community Manager Posts: 196 🪐 - Explorer
edited November 2023 in Spryker News

We hosted our first "Ask Me Anything" on CommerceQuest in October!

The live audience was joined by @Buenyamin Inan and @Ievgen Varava, two Project Technical Leads at Spryker, for a question-packed AMA session. Together, Bünyamin and Ievgen answered your burning questions, and the audience got to know them a bit in the process too. They put their time & effort into this experience and we loved having them as our spotlight speakers🙏

A big thanks to our participants, who sent in a total of 26 questions prior to the session. Having your input was really instrumental to making this event a success, so thanks for sharing your questions with us!

You can watch the full recap here ⬇️

When's the next AMA?

You're in luck! We have one coming up very soon on Thursday, November 16th. The topic of this upcoming AMA is dedicated to….DOCUMENTATION, presented by our own Jedi Master of Product Operations, @Simon Brugger 😎 Join us!

Sign up and ask your questions in advance here:

Interested to be a spotlight speaker? Get in touch here.
