Impossibility to complete the tutorial Persist, Fetch, and Transport Data across Layers and Services

Hello, when I try to add an antelope from the backoffice I have exception that class Generated\Zed\Kernel\Persistence\AbstractRepository" not found,
and when I try to read it I have as well "Pyz\Yves\TrainingPage\Plugin\Router\AbstactRouteProviderPlugin"
I think they are located in dependency "spryker/kernel", but what I need to do to have these classes. Thanks for your support.
Hi @emiltotsev.
You have wrong path to Abstract Repository.
You have:use Generated\Zed\Kernel\Persistence\AbstractRepository;
You need:use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Persistence\AbstractRepository;
Other picture i think it should work. Because i don't see that you tried to use.
use Pyz\Yves\Router\Plugin\RouteProvider\AbstractRouteProviderPlugin;
You are using the right one which is:
use Spryker\Yves\Router\Plugin\RouteProvider\AbstractRouteProviderPlugin;
It could be that you have factory that returns AbstractRouteProviderPlugin from Pyz if you extended it from core to project level.2 -
Hello @filip.gojkovic955 ,
Thanks, you helped a lot, I was not able to see these errors, probably my IDE is not configured correctly.
Best Regards,
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