How do Category Filters work through GLUE?
Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 3 π§π»βπ - Cadet
I i'm trying to use these
but I'm confused how they work through the Glue API. I don't see any way they are utilized, the valueFacets in catalog-search or category-nodes endpoints doesn't seem to change at least. Should this work? Is there an example I can follow?
I've ran into this myself lately as well, and just asked a colleague to double check. This this feature has no API coverage, it only works on Catalog page in Yves.
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Hi people!
Have you tried applying any of the filters from the `data.attributes.valueFacets`? The `name` would be the parameter name and `value` is the value you can use to filter. I'm comparing
They are different sets of products.
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I'm confused. How is that relevant to the data set in Category Filter page in backoffice?
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True, these are relevant for storefront API. In backend API they are not yet available.
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