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Hi! I'm trying to get the merchant demo running from docker but the startup fails. Any help would be

Hi! I'm trying to get the merchant demo running from docker but the startup fails. Any help would be great!
Command yves-build-frontend [vendor/bin/console frontend:yves:build] (In progress...) Store: DE | Environment: docker.dev Install Merchant Portal dependencies Output trimmed, only last 100 lines shown. Store: DE | Environment: docker.dev Install Zed dependencies Store: DE | Environment: docker.dev Build Yves frontend spryker-b2c-demo-shop@ yves /data
Try to update spryker/docker-sdk and\or pull latest images.
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we just cloned and pruned everything local
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unless you have some versions we should upgrade?
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No, nothing specific. Just saw couple of occurrences of the same exception in the internal slack.
In some cases simple restart of the host machine helped, in some cases people didn't use latest spryker/docker-sdk.
So no clear solution unfortunately.0 -
on my linux this was resolved by retrying the up command, but on my colleagues MacOS it repeats every time
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Famous "it works on my machine"...
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this is a big problem for our team since none of our mac users can start Spryker
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Unfortunately I can't even check if I have the same as I'm on Linux and personally I didn't see such an error myself yet. I'm spinning up different demo shops on a daily basis. Old, new, latest versions (eg. spryker-shop/suite). Β―_(γ)_/Β―
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I was able to reproduce it once by pruning everything docker, cloning the demo marketplace shop and running bootstrap dev && up
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and a further observation is that the demo storefront does compile fine
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