Meeting Recap: Spryker Digital User Group September '23

Lauren Kulwicki
Lauren Kulwicki (ex) Senior Community Manager Posts: 196 🪐 - Explorer

Our September User Group meeting was filled with a mix of technical topics and ended with the group designing our very own "tier list" of elite office supplies!

Here was our lineup - click for a video recap 🎬️

1️⃣ Properly Setting up Multi-stores 

Speaker: @Mohammed Elkheir (Spryker Solution Architect).

2️⃣ Innovate & Differentiate Using Unified Commerce 

Speaker: @Andrew Chekanov (Spryker Team Lead Product Manager).

3️⃣  Tier List: Best Work Desk Appliances

Speaker: @Samuel Pais (Spryker Community Marketing Lead).

A little background about our first tier list: We had a lot of fun rating office supplies, from the absolute must-haves, to the fun-to-haves, to the ones that made us go "huh?!"Special shout-out to the suggestion of an anti-static desk cleaner, which had the rest of us racing to add this to our shopping carts ;)

Want to see the results? Here's the full recap.

Quick links:

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🎬️ You can view our User Group recap videos in the .