Save the Date: November 28th Spryker Digital User Group meeting

And just like that, our last UG meeting of the 2023 series is almost upon us! At the end of November, we'll meet for our final User Group meeting of 2023. But don't worry - there's loads more to come next year ;)
For our November talks, we'll be joined by a lineup of guest speakers such as @Angel Albarracin. @Juergen Albertsen, @Monica Silva, and @Svitlana Kulynych to wrap up the year in style!
➡️ You can read more about their topics & RSVP here:
If you haven't joined us before: Our monthly meetings are for everyone interested in Spryker development and surrounding topics. Each month we invite Sprykees or community member guest speakers to guide us in interactive sessions. We try to keep it interesting with a wide variety of topics, which is why we recommend checking out the agenda topics in advance.
If you are interested in speaking at an upcoming event or hosting a local UG near you, let us know.
See you there!
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