Meeting recap: Spryker Digital User Group October '23

Lauren Kulwicki
Lauren Kulwicki (ex) Senior Community Manager Posts: 196 🪐 - Explorer

Our October User Group meeting was a "power hour" - we packed in a lot of info and learning for the hour we spent together, and we were delighted to welcome both a Spryker speaker and a community guest speaker from TOWA to join us this time 💪 Read on for a short recap….

Here was our October lineup with a few links to share:

1️⃣  NOS Decorators - Fast and easy development of Web-Components in Yves.

Speaker: @andreas.penz (TOWA Senior Developer).

  • The project on Github:
  • You can also follow Andreas on GitHub.
  • Andreas is a member of the CQ Community and we love to have community guest speakers join us! If you are also interested in sharing more about a project you are working on or something you are passionate about, don't hesitate to get in touch with us using this form.

2️⃣ Configurable OMS Process.

Speaker: @profuel (Spryker Senior Solution Architect).

Big thanks to our speakers for the October session!

While we do share partial video recaps to refer back to, we also encourage you to continue to attend our live sessions to receive live updates and announcements and to participate in Q&As and other social aspects of the meetings too 😎

Our last meeting of 2023 is coming up on Tuesday, November 28th so sign up here!

Quick links:

📆When's the next UG? Check out our Calendar.

🎤 Interested to give a talk? Just fill out this form and give us some more info!

🏠️ Want to host an IRL User Group event? Learn more here.

🎬️ You can view more recap videos in the