Impossibility to bind a theme to the store [Course Spryker Frontend for Backend Developers]
Hello, I executed the simple steps that are described in the video clip Binding a Theme to a Store. I create new folder 'green' in the Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme folder and copied all the files from 'default' to 'green'.
I created the file 'TwigConfig' in folder 'TwigDE, overrided the method 'getYvesThemeNameDefault' to return 'green'.
And finally in frontend-build-config.json I added the theme 'green'.
But finally in the clip we see how the theme is changed in the header tag of the page to 'green', but for me it stays 'default'.
Do you have any idea why this is happening.
Thanks for your support.
Best Regards,
It is because of the multi store package which makes the EU region the default code bucket and not the default store.
Take a look at this question where I already gave the solution. We´ll be updating the videos to reflect the latest modification to that part:
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