☃️ Ice-chilled Community News - What's happening in CommerceQuest?!

Hi CQ-members,
another exciting round-up of news and things happening in our space! Let's go! 🚀
🎖 November Leaderboard Champions
We had another breathtaking head-to-head race in our November Leaderboard. It was extremely close. Here are our November Champions:
@przemyslaw.szychowski securing first place 🥇
@Alberto Reyer made it second 🥈
@calvin & @cleyurzaiz sharing the third position 🥉
Thanks for your contribution and for being an active and vocal member of our space! 💫
🆙 Level-ups
We salute two new members joining the second rank on our ladder and welcome them as Astro Novices among our crew: @filip.gojkovic955 & @ynnoig 😎
🗓 Upcoming Gathering
We will host a relaxed and laidback gathering on the 12th of December:
Come by, say hi, and stay for some tunes and fun! 🤩
🅿️ Miscellaneous
- We finally moved away from Meetup to centralize our activities in CommerceQuest. Tell your friends and colleagues to sign up, so they don't miss out on anything!
- We said goodbye to our 2023 Customer Advisory Board and Spryker after a strong last session in 2023. We are hyped to welcome the next board early in 2024.
- Our fellow crewmate @Eric shared some stats on Black Friday. Worth your visit.
❄️ December Leaderboard
Check out these cool December Badges for those who take on the monthly leaderboard challenge! Brought to you by @James Hooper
Stay frosty! 🥶
Wohooo nice :)🚀
Congrats to all the November champions! 🏆️3 -
Great to see both new and returning members on the board - congrats to our leaders and new rank-grabbers! 🤩
- All Categories
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