OOTB translations of demo shop

Hi, are there maybe out of the box translations for yves for demo shop? We have task to introduce multiple languages like french, dutch, spanish, italian to project.
Best Answers
No, except of DE and EN. We had a talk about it 4 years ago and it was declared as "no one would need it".
I could offer french and spanish
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Hi @filip.gojkovic955, I have been working on an AI powered CLI tool that provided the local path of your Spryker project and any locale it should generate translations for every Yves and Zed content.
Currently, it's something we can not share as it is part of a private repository but things may change very soon. I will keep you posted.Cheers ;)
No, except of DE and EN. We had a talk about it 4 years ago and it was declared as "no one would need it".
I could offer french and spanish
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Hi @filip.gojkovic955, I have been working on an AI powered CLI tool that provided the local path of your Spryker project and any locale it should generate translations for every Yves and Zed content.
Currently, it's something we can not share as it is part of a private repository but things may change very soon. I will keep you posted.Cheers ;)
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@filip.gojkovic955 I may try to help you with the translations. What languages do you need translation for?
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@amansilla Italian, Dutch, Spainsh, French are required on new project that we are working on.
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@filip.gojkovic955 I super happy to announce the wait is over! I hope it's not too late for you.
In case you need translations for the Spryker Commerce OS functionality, including Yves Storefront and Zed Backoffice, you can find them in the spryker-community/spryker-translations repository. Just follow the installation guide in the README file. It already provides translations for all the locales you have been asking for.
I would ask you to give a 🌟 to the GitHub repo if you like it.
We are also open for start accepting new contributions in form of new languages or improvements to the translated items.
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