Spryker Digital User Group 2024: Speakers & Local Hosts Wanted!

Now that this year's User Group meetings are finished, we're already looking ahead to a beautiful blank canvas of 2024 and are eager to set dates and make plans! That's where YOU come in - these monthly events are for you - our community - so we want to involve you as much as possible in shaping the content and format.
- 2024 community guest speakers wanted! Fill out this form.
- If you're interested to host an in-person UG meeting in your area - please get in touch.
- If you have a topic you want to learn more about, just reach out anytime and we'll try to work it into an upcoming agenda.
- See below for more details! ⤵️
But first ☝️here's a quick refresher on UGs:
Our monthly User Group meetings are for everyone interested in Spryker development and surrounding topics. We set them up so that the community can learn from some of our Sprykees and other community members. Topics vary and are generally more technical than business although we try to keep it spicy with some variety, so be sure to check each event agenda for more details. You can find our upcoming dates in our
calendar.And now….
🎤 2024 Speakers Wanted!
Want to give a talk?
Community members have used the UG meetings to prep for upcoming conferences, share projects they’re working on, expand their platform, and more. If you have a topic that you're interested in presenting, let us know.
Interested? You can fill out this short form and we'll be in touch.
👋 2024 Local Hosts Wanted!
What about meeting up IRL??!
In June, we had the absolute pleasure of co-hosting an on-site UG meeting with Turbine Kreuzberg and we really want to do this moreee! We learned that this community has a lot of fun catching up in person and we want to offer more opportunities to meet this way. That's why we're inviting you to locally host your own Spryker Digital User Group event. You can find all the info about this in our Organizing a Spryker UG Meeting guide.
How to get in touch: Share some more info about your plans by filling out this short form.
📝 2024 Topics Wanted!
Is there something you want to learn more about from Sprykees or other community members? We'll be happy to try to work it into an upcoming meeting agenda. Just reach out or add it to the comments!
If you're interested in any of the above, please also don't hesitate to just DM me @Lauren Kulwicki on CommerceQuest and I can answer any questions you have :)
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