Impossibility to swith to the specific codebucket

emiltotsev Posts: 6 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet
edited December 2023 in Spryker Dev Environment

It seems that altough we do everything that is needed to override specific component it's still not working. For example in course 'Spryker Frontend for Backend Developers', lesson 'Adding a Theme to a Product Detail Page' I do everything exactly as it's shown. We create a new folder ProductDetailPageDE, then we create inside a copy of the 'Theme' folder. We have for example 'green' and 'default'. I have as well the TwigConfig.php file within folder TwigDE and it's returning 'green'. And I see that in CodeBucketConfig.php I return the correct codebucket 'DE'. Finally I see that the assets are taken from the correct theme 'green'. But the twig file that we use is still from the 'ProductDetailPage', not 'ProductDetailPageDE'. Why it's not overriding the component? Thank you for your support.


  • emiltotsev
    emiltotsev Posts: 6 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    It's interesting that the path from my point of view is hardcoded and it's in the b2b-demo-shop\vendor\spryker-shop\product-detail-page\src\SprykerShop\Yves\ProductDetailPage\Controller\ProductController.php and it's the hardcoded value '@ProductDetailPage/views/pdp/pdp.twig'. Probably it needs to be '@ProductDetailPageDE/views/pdp/pdp.twig'. Am I right?