🎉 Happy Community Manager Appreciation Day! 🎉

Today, I want to give a massive shoutout to my incredible Community team at Spryker. You guys are the real MVPs behind our thriving community! 💪
🌟 Lauren: The Rockstar of Reliability! 🌟
@Lauren Kulwicki you are our community's solid foundation. Your ever-present smile and seamless management of our events bring joy and order to our ecosystem. Your dedication to documenting our processes ensures we're always on track.
🚀 Samuel: The Maestro of Marketing! 🚀
@Samuel Pais, our creativity and marketing wizard! You make sure our community is always engaged, turning every event into an unforgettable experience. Your innovative solutions keep us ahead of the curve. You're the spark that lights our creative fire!
🔧 James: The Tech Guru! 🔧
@James Hooper, you're an honorary member of our community squad. Your technical prowess, from dashboards to CSS to Thought-of-the-Weeks, not to mention the design of those awesome badges, is nothing short of amazing. You're the secret sauce in our tech recipe!
Together, you all make the Spryker community not just a network, but a family. Here's to many more successes and fun times ahead! 🥳
Who are the unsung hero's in the communities you're a part of?
Thanks for this shout-out @Guido X Jansen, our captain of the CQ crew! I've LOVED getting to know our community members in CQ and beyond. Some of my community highlights are our monthly virtual events (allow me to squeeze in a quick invite to January's meeting if you wanna join 😉) and also getting to meet some of you on calls & in person and feeling like we're already friends. You all inspire me 🤩
- All Categories
- 42 Getting Started & Guidelines
- 7 Getting Started in the Community
- 8 Additional Resources
- 7 Community Ideas and Feedback
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