Community Tip: How to orient yourself in CommerceQuest

Did you recently join CommerceQuest (hello & welcome!) or maybe you're interested in some extra guidance getting around here? 👋
Our space is expanding fast and if you are feeling a bit lost among the questions, categories, and discussions, here's some help:
Brand-new here?
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Here's a warm CQ welcome, nebula cadet! Refer to this space to help orient yourself. You'll find a collection of posts with navigational tips, a "Getting Started" checklist, information about our ranks and badge system, and technicalities behind the site like our community terms and privacy policy. The perfect spot to land if you're new here or would like a refresher on how it all works.
More tips to guide you…
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In this section you'll find a bunch of tips for settling in and getting the most out of CQ. There's a lot of tips to sort though, but you'll find a handy list here to help simplify things.
Select & follow your favorite categories…
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In order to tailor your experience, we've set up different categories dedicated to various topics. Even better - you can actually follow your favorites so that you can be alerted when a new post comes in. Here's a quick video tutorial to help you set this up.
Join a remote meeting…
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We host monthly User Group meetings and invite guest speakers to talk about a variety of Spryker-related topics. It's a great place to get to know some community members and learn! Topics vary widely each month so best to check the agenda in advance.
Ask our community!
If you'd like a helping hand getting started, don't hesitate to comment on posts, or start a question or discussion yourself and get some feedback from other community members!
Your Spryker Community Team aka the Community Crew is always here for you too - just DM @Lauren Kulwicki, @Guido X Jansen, @Samuel Pais, or @James Hooper anytime 😎
- All Categories
- 42 Getting Started & Guidelines
- 7 Getting Started in the Community
- 8 Additional Resources
- 7 Community Ideas and Feedback
- 79 Spryker News
- 947 Developer Corner
- 805 Spryker Development
- 91 Spryker Dev Environment
- 362 Spryker Releases
- 3 Oryx frontend framework
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- 3 PHP Bridge
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- 69 Spryker Safari Questions
- 50 Random