B2B Demo Marketplace / `docker/sdk up` / blackfire.io error

My OS is Windows, I installed Ubuntu and followed the rest of the instructions on Spryker (
). Docker uses the WSL2 based engine, and Ubuntu integration with additional distros enabled. Nevertheless, I get these errors in anyway. I've tried everything I could find and googled.What should I do?
PS: Both of the screenshots are after the docker/sdk up
command is entered.
Try using the "docker/sdk clean" command, followed by restarting Docker. After completing these steps, attempt your task with elevated privileges using "sudo." This solution resolved the issue for me, and I hope it proves effective for you as well.
0 -
Unfortunately, it doesn't help.
sudo docker/sdk up
returns same error.0 -
try to change wifi connection with same method and docker/sdk clean is mandetory
and also run the bootstrap command as well docker/sdk bootstrap <your deploy dev file>0 -
=> ERROR [cli-basic 2/10] RUN bash -c 'if [ ${BLACKFIRE_EXTENSION_ENABL 5.4s [cli-basic 2/10] RUN bash -c 'if [ ${BLACKFIRE_EXTENSION_ENABLED} = 1 ]; then mkdir -p /tmp/blackfire && architecture=$(case $(uname -m) in i386 | i686 | x86) echo "i386" ;; x86_64 | amd64) echo "amd64" ;; aarch64 | arm64 | armv8) echo "arm64" ;; *) echo "amd64" ;; esac) && wget -qO- -U "Docker" https://blackfire.io/api/v1/releases/cli/linux/$architecture | tar zxp -C /tmp/blackfire && mv /tmp/blackfire/blackfire /usr/bin/blackfire && rm -Rf /tmp/blackfire; fi':
5.372 wget: bad address 'blackfire.io'
5.373 gzip: invalid magic
5.373 tar: Child returned status 1
5.373 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now Dockerfile:9 8 | # Blackfire client
9 | >>> RUN bash -c 'if [ ${BLACKFIRE_EXTENSION_ENABLED} = 1 ]; then 10 | >>> mkdir -p /tmp/blackfire 11 | >>> && architecture=$(case $(uname -m) in i386 | i686 | x86) echo "i386" ;; x86_64 | amd64) echo "amd64" ;; aarch64 | arm64 | armv8) echo "arm64" ;; *) echo "amd64" ;; esac) 12 | >>> && wget -qO- -U "Docker" https://blackfire.io/api/v1/releases/cli/linux/$architecture | tar zxp -C /tmp/blackfire 13 | >>> && mv /tmp/blackfire/blackfire /usr/bin/blackfire 14 | >>> && rm -Rf /tmp/blackfire; fi'
15 | ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c bash -c 'if [ ${BLACKFIRE_EXTENSION_ENABLED} = 1 ]; then mkdir -p /tmp/blackfire && architecture=$(case $(uname -m) in i386 | i686 | x86) echo "i386" ;; x86_64 | amd64) echo "amd64" ;; aarch64 | arm64 | armv8) echo "arm64" ;; *) echo "amd64" ;; esac) && wget -qO- -U "Docker" https://blackfire.io/api/v1/releases/cli/linux/$architecture | tar zxp -C /tmp/blackfire && mv /tmp/blackfire/blackfire /usr/bin/blackfire && rm -Rf /tmp/blackfire; fi'" did not complete successfully: exit code: 2On Windows, I still get this "BLACKFIRE" error. What might be alternative solutions for this problem?
By the way, also got this warning:
dogan@Dogan-PC:~/workspace/b2b-demo-marketplace/b2b-demo-marketplace$ docker/sdk bootstrap deploy.dev.yml ┌────╮ ┌─┐ ╭────┬────╮─┬─┐
│ ╮ │───┬───┤ ├─┬───┬─┬─┐ │ ───┤ ╮ │ ┌─┘
│ ╯ │ ┼ │ ├─┤───┤ ┼─┤ ┌─╯ ├─── │ ╯ │ └─┐
└────┴───┴───┴─┴─┴───┴─┘ └────┴────┴─┴─┘ Stopping environment... 2s [DONE] Using deploy.dev.yml Running generator
Warning: Neither SSH agent or COMPOSER_AUTH is configured. Private repositories would not be accessible.
--> DEVELOPMENT MODE Everything is properly installed. Nothing to do at the moment. Deployment is generated into docker/deployment/default
Use docker/sdk up to start the application.0
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