duplicate config in stores.php?

I can't help but notice that in the demoshop stores.php, the contents is almost duplicated, having a if (getenv('SPRYKER_ACTIVE_STORES')) { statement at the beginning of the first block.
I don't seem to find any documented explanation to this behaviour. Can someone explain why is this?
Best Answer
That file is to be deprecated as stores would be stored in the database. Just useful as a fallback if not in a Dynamic Multistore as for Dynamic MultiStore you´d have the DataImport for your stores and the Backoffice
What do you mean by duplicated ?
If there is that en variable, then the stores array is returned , otherwise there is the fallback configuration fo DE ,AT and US.
If you search for the env variable inside the docker folder, you´re going to see that they´re set in there according to the regions´ settings in the deploy file
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Hi @Hidran Arias ! Yes, my point being why do we need a fallback configuration at all?
Within the docker sdk I saw that spryker_active_stores is just collecting al stores defined in the deployment file regions.
I think having this fallback configuration just creates more confusion than needed, and I don't see related documentation (might be an old topic now anyways, as dynamic multistore will probably kill that part of the code).0 -
That file is to be deprecated as stores would be stored in the database. Just useful as a fallback if not in a Dynamic Multistore as for Dynamic MultiStore you´d have the DataImport for your stores and the Backoffice
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