How to setup acceptance tests in Gitlab?

Hi community!
I'm trying to set up a pipeline with acceptance tests, for this I need a full multi-container setup of Spryker in CI.
If I'm using the config from
, it gives me an error:$ docker/sdk boot -v Docker Buildx plugin is not installed. Please, make sure Docker Buildx plugin is installed. How to install Docker Buildx(
I've also tested this configuration, which should include Buildx and the latest docker version:
test:end-to-end: only: refs: - develop - master - merge_requests stage: test image: docker:latest services: - docker:24.0.5-dind before_script: - apk update && apk upgrade && apk add bash curl git script: - docker info - docker-compose -v - git clone ./docker - bash docker/sdk boot -v - bash docker/sdk up -t - bash docker/sdk testing console queue:worker:start --stop-when-empty
In that case, I get another error:
$ bash docker/sdk boot -v ┌────╮ ┌─┐ ╭────┬────╮─┬─┐ │ ╮ │───┬───┤ ├─┬───┬─┬─┐ │ ───┤ ╮ │ ┌─┘ │ ╯ │ ┼ │ ├─┤───┤ ┼─┤ ┌─╯ ├─── │ ╯ │ └─┐ └────┴───┴───┴─┴─┴───┴─┘ └────┴────┴─┴─┘ Checking requirements... 0s [OK] Checking docker version... 0s [OK] Checking docker-compose version... 1s [OK] Using Building generator... 3s [DONE] Copiyng assets... 0s [DONE] Running generator PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException: File "/data/deployment/project.yml" does not exist. in /data/vendor/symfony/yaml/Parser.php:54 Stack trace: #0 /data/deploy-file-generator/src/Processor/Executor/PreExecutors/PrepareDeployFileTransferExecutor.php(45): Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser->parseFile('/data/deploymen...') #1 /data/deploy-file-generator/src/Processor/DeployFileProcessor.php(90): DeployFileGenerator\Processor\Executor\PreExecutors\PrepareDeployFileTransferExecutor->execute(Object(DeployFileGenerator\Transfer\DeployFileTransfer)) #2 /data/deploy-file-generator/src/Processor/DeployFileProcessor.php(38): DeployFileGenerator\Processor\DeployFileProcessor->execute(Array, Object(DeployFileGenerator\Transfer\DeployFileTransfer)) #3 /data/index.php(1402): DeployFileGenerator\Processor\DeployFileProcessor->process(Object(DeployFileGenerator\Transfer\DeployFileTransfer)) #4 /data/index.php(19): buildProjectYaml('/data/deploymen...') #5 {main} thrown in /data/vendor/symfony/yaml/Parser.php on line 54
This looks to me like a permission issue? Or something else is wrong in the config?
There was a similar discussion before, but without resolution:
Any help is welcome :)
We're using a self-hosted Gitlab CI, maybe something to change on the server side?
I'd check (var_dump or something) the result of writing this file, here\DeployFileGenerator\Processor\Executor\PostExecutors\ExportDeployFileTransferToYamlExecutor::executeorls -lhato check if the file was generated after\DeployFileGenerator\Command\ConfigCommandlooks like I've missed it is a part of "pre" executor, I would still try to log the file presence during different stages of execution to understand the state of the filesystem
0 -
- Hey-hey!
_1. What in ?
It looks like boot generation is failed, that's why you have no project.yml. I mean it can be error not related to permission.
2. You should have the same dind version as in parent daemon (as I remember) to not have strange side effects.
Maybe documentation was created when docker/compose:latest was for docker 19.03. (BTW It's one of best practices for docker images to not use 'latest' tag).
I have example from old setup:
default: image: docker:24.0.4 services: - name: docker:24.0.4-dind …
3. If you still have issues - my suggestion is to enable interactive session
to investigate it on the fly. Easiest way to put infinite sleep for pipeline script section and go into container (where is docker working, as it possible on self-hosted gitlab) and do the same (check on the fly what happens).1 -
looks like I've missed it is a part of "pre" executor, I would still try to log the file presence during different stages of execution to understand the state of the filesystem
Thanks for the hint! I've tried to add some additional commands in after_script section:
after_script: - ls -la ./docker/deployment - ls -la ./docker/deployment/_tmp - cat ./docker/deployment/_tmp/project.yml
The file exists in a filesystem in tmp folder, which is expected if I look into
So my assumption is that something goes wrong with this file, when docker/sdk tries to mount it inside the container (so php from inside the container doesn't see the file, which exists outside)
Thank you too! :)
1. What in ? exists and I checked it locally - bootstrap happens without problems.
2. You should have the same dind version as in parent daemon (as I remember) to not have strange side effects.
I've tried with fixed versions, unfortunately the problem is the same
3. If you still have issues - my suggestion is to enable interactive session
to investigate it on the flyNice feature, didn't know about this. But it requires some special server configuration. Will have a look inside for more details and post here later!
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