Merchant Portal - Autocompletion / Storybook / Documentation
Solution Architect Posts: 28 🧑🏻🚀 - Cadet
Any idea on how to get documentation for merchant portal webcomponents? We need:
- autocompletion/IDE Support (see screenshot - HTML Tag missing, we need it clickable and reference to its webcomponent)
- general documentation ( this seems NOT to contain all components? i.e. <web-mp-root> → see list below)
- run and build storybook locally, so we can extend and provide the customer a fully documented list of your and our components?
- can it be hosted in PaaS+ and available by a domain?
Example web components:
- <web-mp-root>
- <web-mp-header-menu>
- <web-mp-merchant-layout-centered>
- <web-mp-form>
- […]
- <spy-user-menu>
- <spy-user-menu-item>
- <spy-user-menu-link>
- […]
- <web-spy-notification>
- <web-spy-button>
- <web-spy-datasource-dependable> (its this? and this ? But not named <spy-datasource its <web-spy-datasource)
- […]
Even if we use the search in with any of these components or topics → 0 results. So might you have some insights to each of our questions.
Example Spryker doc searches with 0 results:
We have two types of components:
- Components from our UI library, which are installed as separate dependencies (e.g., @spryker/button , etc.). This Storybook is intended for documenting these components; however, not all components may be fully covered in the documentation.
- Spryker-specific components, which were developed within the Spryker environment (e.g.,
, etc.). For these components, we don’t have documentation; currently, you can only review the source code. The prefix "web" indicates that this component is registered as a web component rather than an Angular component.
Additionally, we have services, and the Storybook can showcase examples of how these services work to provide better clarity (services are not the same as components). Customers configure these services at the module level in JavaScript (e.g., example link).
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