Part I: A Quick Guide to Leveling Up in CQ

Wondering who our monthly Community Champions a-k-a our LeaderBoard winners are? Well, these are our super active participants in our community who really embody the spirit of leveling up! We recognize and award these super users with badges each month. You can see our latest lineup here 🥇🥈🥉
Hitting the top of the leaderboard might not happen overnight, but there's plenty of small steps you can take to climb RANKS (check out our levels here)!
Here's a quick guide to levelling up:
Observing: Getting Started
For those of you who have just arrived, or prefer to just observe what's happening in CQ.
1. Complete New Member Onboarding:
- Here's a quick 5-step New Member Checklist to help you get started.
2. Attend an Event:
- Listen in, absorb the sessions, and get a feel for the community. We recommend our monthly virtual User Group meetings, which you can find in the Calendar.
3. Follow Discussions:
- Follow along with the discussions happening in the community. You may learn something new, or you might have the same question as someone else! If you want to save specific posts to easily return to, you can bookmark them.
4. Follow Categories:
- Here for something more specific? Stay in the loop by following specific categories (quick tutorial here). You'll receive notifications when new content is added, allowing you to tailor your experience to your interests.
Participating: Leveling Up
Feeling comfy and ready to get even more involved?
5. React and Comment:
- Express your thoughts by reacting to posts and adding comments. Your input really enriches the community dialogue, so don't be shy to offer your perspective :)
6. Ask a Question or Start a Discussion:
- This is what our community is here for! Ask questions, start a new post, and share a bit about yourself.
7. Share Your Feedback:
- This community is for you, so your feedback and insights are super important to us. You can share your feedback or improvement suggestions anytime here.
8. Network and Collaborate:
- Make those connections! Network with other members and tag them if you think they might find a topic interesting or have the answer to a question.
I hope these suggestion inspire you to unlock a more rewarding experience in our community, whether you're here to observe for now or want to become actively part of the conversation….and getting to that next rank on the ladder 👏
For those of you who are already acing this part, stay tuned for Part II next month, where I'll share some advanced suggestions ;)
Big shout-out to our past Leaderboard Champions - you guys absolutely rock it and are setting a great example for the whole community 🤩
@TobiasMathar @ahmedelattar73 @joerg.noelke @lou.castaldo @javier @andreas.penz @przemyslaw.szychowski (2x!) @j.sommer @Fred Jung (2x!) @Alberto Reyer (2x!) @calvin @cleyurzaiz @ynnoig @filip.gojkovic955
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Keep climbing up our rank ladder :D
- All Categories
- 42 Getting Started & Guidelines
- 7 Getting Started in the Community
- 8 Additional Resources
- 7 Community Ideas and Feedback
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