Can I remove the id/variable between parent and child Glue route URL?

After following the tutorial above, I get the following URL for my child resource:
is there a way to remove /1/ from the URL? Ideally, the url should be …/module/bar/…
Bar belongs to an entity of Module, so there has to be an id.
It's like:
if you remove the productId then there isn't any parent reference to which those categories belong.
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Thanks for your reply.
What I am trying to do to have support for urls like this:
I have a DealsResource which you can use to get specific deals. And then I have a RegionalResource which is child of DealsResource and I would like to have {regionId} in front of it without having a URL structure like deals/1/regional/{regionId}.
Can you please tell me if this is possible?0 -
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey @muhammad.jadoon ,
have a look at the
method. (see This method is available both for Glue Storefront API as well as for Glue Backend API. There you can add custom routes.To have a custom route for otherwise normal resource behaviour like you described it will likely would be a bit more ugly to implement to reuse existing functionality.
Hope this helps.
All the best,
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Another idea, but not tested by myself:
What happens if you define the resource-type as "deals/regional" and add this ResourcePlugin before the other one?
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This does not work unfortunately.
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IMHO, What you are trying to obtain is a filtering.
you can simply do it this way:[deal.regionId]=2
then in your DealReader
public function getDealCollection(GlueRequestTransfer $glueRequestTransfer): GlueResponseTransfer
{$filters = $glueRequestTransfer→getFilters();
//apply filtering to your entities
}Creating a url like deals/regional/{regionId}. isn't a RESTFUL uri as there is no deal's id mapped to a region.
I hope it helps the above mentioned solution.
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