how to add new config in spryker backoffice & store that in db, then print it to frontend?

Hi, I have added navigation in spryker backoffice and in that added a label and a input tag and save button to store the data into the database
in config/zed/navigation.xml
<label>Hello World</label>
<title>Hello World</title>
in src/zed/HelloWorld/Presentation/hello/index.twig
{% extends '@Gui/Layout/layout.twig' %} {% block content %} <div> <div>{{ 'Hello World' | trans }}</div> <div> <div> <label>Title</label> <input /> </div> <input type="submit" value="{{ 'Save' | trans }}"/> </div> </div> </div> {% endblock %}
i am able to print the navigation and the form inside back office right now after clicking save it don't do anything , what changes do i need to do in code to store it in database and the print it to frontend, is their any reference that i can follow
With only those files you are not telling Spryker where/how to save what you're creating, no?
I'd say you might want to have a look at the Persist, Fetch, and Transport Data across Layers and Services course in the Spryker Backend Fundamentals learning plan:
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