Meeting recap: Spryker Digital User Group January '24

Hey everyone, big thanks to everyone who could make this session! It was a great group of participants and we were happy to see returning members as well as some first-timers.
Here's our recap videos from the first User Group Meeting of 2024. Although we highly recommend joining us live (especially for the Q&A segment after each session), we hope these videos will come in handy if you weren't able to join us this time.
1️⃣ Rebirth of Fulfillment with @Andrii Semenenko (Spryker Senior Product Manager).
- If you have any questions about this demo, just DM Andrii :)
2️⃣ Restructuring Spryker documentation with @Andrii Tserkovnyi (Spryker Senior Technical Writer).
- During the meeting, there was a request for a "docs updates/recently added" section, which we're happy to share that we have! You can find it here:
- Here's the Miro board that was shown with progress updates - feel free to share any feedback or let Andrii know if something is unclear:
Annnnd…that's a wrap on our January UG meeting, but we'll see you at our next UG meeting! We host our virtual User Group meetings on a monthly basis and you can find the latest information here in the
calendar.Pssst~ Want to be a guest speaker or host a User Group meeting near you? Let us know.
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