When you add new feature to BackOffice, do you follow any guidelines or practice UI wise?

Hello community,
Happy Monday, I have a simple question for you and would love to hear your insights.
Q. When you add new features to the BackOffice:
- Do you follow any guidelines or practices, especially UI-wise?
Looking forward to hearing your experiences!
Thank you! 🚀
Best Answer
In our project we usually try to stay 'consistent' to Spryker's setup (as most of the stuff is mantained by them).
We try to replicate functionality and look-and-feel from other modules, so very little UI design (Designers can create a design template by browsing the Backoffice) and regarding UX, we try to align with end-users (ecommerce managers in our project) and balance Feature Request & Cost.1
In our project we usually try to stay 'consistent' to Spryker's setup (as most of the stuff is mantained by them).
We try to replicate functionality and look-and-feel from other modules, so very little UI design (Designers can create a design template by browsing the Backoffice) and regarding UX, we try to align with end-users (ecommerce managers in our project) and balance Feature Request & Cost.1 -
@victor.vanherpt thank you for the feedback! When you said "We try to replicate the functionality and look n' feel", do you check manually per each project and area you work on?
0 -
We usually start by having designers log-in to the backoffice in the demo shop, so they can see by themselves, and then create an account for them in our dev instance, so they can check.
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