How can I expand full-text-boosted for a product concrete with new column from db?

I've tried using search preferences but my concrete in elastic with corresponding fields doesn't change. I always have just name and sku.
If the data you need to boost is a product attribute, then please follow this tutorial:
If the data is more custom, then In order to provide any additional data into the full-text-boosted, you need a new plugin of \Spryker\Zed\ProductPageSearchExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ProductAbstractMapExpanderPluginInterface ,which will call the method \Spryker\Zed\ProductPageSearchExtension\Dependency\PageMapBuilderInterface::addFullTextBoosted with the corresponding data.
p.s. I know the question is almost 6 month old, so if you found an answer before, please post it here next time, thank you!
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