PersistentCartClient::updateQuote() removes shipment and payment from the quote.

Volodymyr Lischer
Volodymyr Lischer Posts: 7 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

The story is:

I decided to implement "OrderCustomReferenceWidget" on the "checkout/summary" page so customer could update it right before placing an order.

The problem is after the data is saved, the quote has empty shipment and payment, so customer is redirected to the "checkout/shipment" page.

I tested it on the "b2b-demoshop" as well and there is the same behavior - customer needs to add the shipment once again after this data was updated.

I have no idea, whether it's a bug or a feature. Did somebody had the same problem? Can it be easily fixed without breaking anything?