How Logout functionality works for all portal in b2b marketplace , and how can be customize it.

aashutosh.namdeo Posts: 39 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

I am using Okta SSO , for login into portal , when i logout backoffice so i want to logout okta session too so i have to hit another URL for logout so bacisaclly i want to customize logout functionality , i didn't get any handeler or plugin like authenticationSuccessHandler, so whene that log out code is , how can i customize it.



  • profuel
    profuel SSA Sprykee Posts: 82 🪐 - Explorer

    Hi, aashutosh.namdeo!

    I expect that you have already solved the problem, still want to share my ideas.

    First of all, with the current logout functionality, the customer will be logged out from Spryker. It's true, he is still logged into Okta, and consequent login into Spryker will be much simper.

    My idea for the implementation is to extend \Spryker\Shared\Security\EventListener\RedirectLogoutListener::onLogout with the needed redirect to logout from Okta, or is possible - make an API call to invalidate the token.


  • aashutosh.namdeo
    aashutosh.namdeo Posts: 39 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Thanks for your time. I resolved that query.