How can I quickly move CMS and catalog data from Spryker development to production?

Hi Team,
I have completed my development in Spryker and need to export my CMS and catalog data to my newly set-up production server. Does anyone have suggestions or know of a fast solution for moving data from the development environment to production?
Hi @bhupendra.doniwal !
You can install data via DataImport module (console data:import
Here's the cms data definitions:
If you want to run the import on production, you can either run manually via jenkins task, or add it to an install recipe, for instance (and/or use SPRYKER_HOOK_AFTER_DEPLOY command)
Unfortunately, Spryker doesn't export data on its own, in our current project, we had to write our own code to get the cms data into csv files.
You can also check out the DataExport module and extend it, if you want to automate the process.1
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