FYI: symfony/filesystem version 6.4.7 breaks some console commands

For example propel:install fails with
ErrorException - Exception: fileperms(): stat failed for /data/src/Orm/Propel/Schema//spy_acl.schema.xml
This is because of
using the STFU operator @ to silence fileperms() in vendor/symfony/filesystem/Filesystem.php:689 and from what I understand, Spryker's error handler doesn't like that(?)Comments
Yes, for us too.. We had to constraint temporarly to 6.4.6
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
does this happen with the ootb demoshop or after updating packages individually?Can you provide me more information about how to reproduce it?
+ it always helps to also create an official support case so I can better push the prio :)
All the best,
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Same for us.
To fix it we've added the E_WARNING to the error level log only list.
# default_config.php $config[ErrorHandlerConstants::ERROR_LEVEL_LOG_ONLY] = E_DEPRECATED | E_USER_DEPRECATED | E_WARNING;
The downside is that these warnings are now being logged in the deployment pipelines and jenkins logs.
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Based on PR
for Symfony 5.4 there's a pretty good chance they'll also fix/change that for 6.4.Offtopic but related: I have very little understanding of how different error levels work, but apparently I had at some point added a custom config (default_config.php):
// This is a custom solution to keep deprecation messages from filling the logs
// -Mikko
$config[ErrorHandlerConstants::ERROR_LEVEL_DO_NOT_LOG] = E_DEPRECATED | E_USER_DEPRECATED;and used that to wrap error logging in \Pyz\Shared\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandlerEnvironment::setErrorHandler like:
$doNotLogLevels = Config::get(ErrorHandlerConstants::ERROR_LEVEL_DO_NOT_LOG, 0);
if (($severity & $doNotLogLevels) === 0) {
}Sorry for the formatting.
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey, me again :)
Can you provide me more information about how to reproduce it in the ootb demoshop?All the best,
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Should be just
docker/sdk cli composer update
ordocker/sdk cli composer require symfony/filesystem:6.4.7
and then
docker/sdk console propel:install
starts failing. Or I think more accurately propel:schema:copy is the step that does the thing in filesystem.
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Fix was released from symfony →
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
so I followed @mikko.ropanen s steps now to reproduce and it seems to be fixed with the latest release as @ynnoig was mentioning 🙌Thank you all for your input! I love this collaboration in the community!!
Have a nice day,
all the best,
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