How to retrieve the checkout summary "/checkout/summary" via glue

I'm trying to find a way how to get the cart summary overview "/checkout/summary" via glue.
Art their any endpoints?
Best Answer
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey @Robson ,
I also dont find an ootb-solution to your question. In theory the quote data should be managed by the frontend. This does not work out for some more business use-cases, for example if you use Yves and Glue in parallel (i bet there are many other use-cases where your request would be handy).
When I look into the
table I see shipping-address data attached to the item (because you can ship one part to address A and another part to address B). So the data itself is there.
So I see 3 ways of how I could imagine tackling it:- A.: Create a complete own checkout/summary glue endpoint
- B.: Adjust the items include functionality to also include the shipping-address of the items
- C.: Add another include to show a shipping-address based on the shipping addresses of the items.
Hope this helps at least a bit.
All the best,
I think you're looking for the /carts/ endpoint maybe?
It's not from the glue-storefront application, not sure if we have a list of those endpoints yet.
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Hello @victor.vanherpt,
but in the include of the carts endpoint their is not a address to receive from the customer.
I've to make a second call to the customer endpoint.
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I'm not that aquatinted with the Spryker glue endpoints yet, but if the info is not available there, either do a second call (as you mention) or extend the module that is in charge of returning the values, so you can include what you need.
see maybe?0 -
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey @Robson ,
I also dont find an ootb-solution to your question. In theory the quote data should be managed by the frontend. This does not work out for some more business use-cases, for example if you use Yves and Glue in parallel (i bet there are many other use-cases where your request would be handy).
When I look into the
table I see shipping-address data attached to the item (because you can ship one part to address A and another part to address B). So the data itself is there.
So I see 3 ways of how I could imagine tackling it:- A.: Create a complete own checkout/summary glue endpoint
- B.: Adjust the items include functionality to also include the shipping-address of the items
- C.: Add another include to show a shipping-address based on the shipping addresses of the items.
Hope this helps at least a bit.
All the best,
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