Idea: Audit Log

This idea is not new and was prototyped several times, even at the last Hackathon in May 2024, but we still do not have an independent ready-to-use module for that.
Problem Statement:
In the context of security compliance I want to log certain/all/many actions in the Back Office or other places which change security or data privacy relevant information.
Create an independent module to be used in projects to log important actions into elastic search or any other suitable storage.
Anyone would be in to work on this async. together as community project in the next weeks/months? Any other thoughts, comments on this idea?
Isn't this solved already, storing at AWS level? I think some feature solving the audit logs was presented in the Partner Enablement Call
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,089 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
You are right, this might come in Q3 - So this idea can be closed 🙌
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@victor.vanherpt @fsmeier look at you two, closing ideas faster than we can add them! 😄
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I am happy to share that one of the Hackathons heavily influenced our roadmap and kicked off the development of the individual module for Audit logs.
It was released recently, and you can find documentation about it here.
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@Andrew Chekanov that's awesome to hear!
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