sync:data doesn't work in an edge case

If getSynchronizationDataQueryExpanderStrategyPlugin() returns the "WhereBetween" plugin as it does in spryker-suite:
and the auto-increment id in spy_product_abstract_page_search and/or spy_product_concrete_page_search doesn't start from zero (or technically between 0 and chunk size), then sync:data product_abstract and sync:data product_concrete fail to query data from those tables.
The reason being that their iterators start by querying the tables like:SELECT FROM `spy_product_abstract_page_search` WHERE id_product_abstract_page_search BETWEEN 0 AND 100 ORDER BY `spy_product_abstract_page_search`.`id_product_abstract_page_search` ASC
and obviously if the first id is 101 or 46249, the query returns nothing → iterator stops → nothing gets synced.
Changing the plugin to SynchronizationDataQueryExpanderOffsetLimitStrategyPlugin seems to work.
Die Sync plugin sollen in dieser Fall implementieren das Interface `
` und implementieren die Function `getMaxIterationLimit
` um genau das Problem umzugehenSpecification
* Provides maxIterationLimit for SynchronizationDataPluginIterator.
* Implement this interface if you need to set an explicit maxIterationLimit.
* The Iterator can proceed until maxIterationLimit is reached even if intermittent result sets are empty.
* @see \Spryker\Zed\Synchronization\Business\Iterator\SynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPluginIterator
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To avoid this problem u have to implement the Interface \Spryker\Zed\SynchronizationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\SynchronizationDataMaxIterationLimitPluginInterface and implement the method getMaxIterationLimit . In this case the iteration is stopped at first the max iteration limit is reached.
The specification of this interface say:
The Iterator can proceed until maxIterationLimit is reached even if intermittent result sets are empty.2
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