How can I get concrete products on catalog page instead of abstracts?

ivan-jurisic Senior Spryker developer Posts: 25 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

We want to show first available concrete product on catalog page. Therefore, currently we are fetching abstract data from algolia/elasticsearch. How can we adjust that?


  • profuel
    profuel SSA Sprykee Posts: 83 🪐 - Explorer

    Hi, Ivan!

    I don't fully understand your task, but I will try to elaborate on the general solution for you.

    It's true, OOTB, we search over available abstract products. Available here means - contains at least one sell-able concrete product. My idea would be to provide details about this concrete product into Algolia/ES.

    Why don't we export only concretes? Because only abstract product has a fixed URL OOTB, and thus could be navigated to. Of course, you can enhance your schema and generate URLs also for concrete products, or in case of API-first application just push concrete product details into the search.
