Monitoring Backend and Storefront Glue

Hi, is New Relic monitoring not possible for backend and storefront Glues or do I have something misconfigured?
From my code digging it looks like the monitoring functionality is tied to the event dispatcher, and seems that in \Spryker\Glue\GlueApplication\ApiApplication\ApiApplicationProxy::run
if the application is RequestFlowAgnosticApiApplication
(like the old Glue) then there's all kinds of events to subscribe to, but the RequestFlowAwareApiApplication
(new Glues) workflow doesn't seem to dispatch anything anywhere.
@mikko.ropanen , I'm not sure what is the actual problem you have faced, please elaborate.
It's true that we changed the flow and evens fired, although our monitoring functionality works with them just nice.
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The problem is that we don't get any normal transactions in New Relic from backend and storefront Glues.
The old Glue has all kinds of neat things
but the new Glues only send stuff to New Relic when there is an error, so this is what we have for those (and the reported error rate is always 100%):
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For the record, I am referring to "old" New Relic integration, not the new OpenTelemetry implementation here.
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This is somewhat easy to verify with the demoshop and a trial Newrelic account.
You add the monitoring for Glue, and can see how only the old glue sends events to Newrelic.0
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