Is default Bcc is broken ?

Posts: 57 🧑🏻🚀 - Cadet
Hi team,
I am using the default Spryker mailer and trying to set the BCC email, but it is not being set. Can anyone confirm if the default code should work fine, or is there something specific I should check? I have debugged, and my BCC email is being set, but it does not appear in the headers.
Best Answer
Why are you expecting the bcc to be in the header?
$mailTransfer->addRecipientBcc((new MailRecipientTransfer())
->setEmail(''));Doesn't adding it to the mailTransfer work? (we're using Spryker's Symfony mailer)
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Why are you expecting the bcc to be in the header?
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@Fred Jung Yes, I was unaware that BCC is not present in the header, and I was testing it locally.
now it is working file
thank you guys.0 -
Good to hear!
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