How to add a deploy key.

Hi Team,
I have a private composer github repository that are configured with deploy key (can be access using deploy key). I have that deploy key, now I am not sure how to add that deploy key with my current spryker b2b marketplace setup.
Where can I add this information in my yml files.
If someone could provide any related document, it would be grateful.
I guess you need to add the deploy key to the pipelines.
My starting point would be the composer.json file, and use the COMPOSER_AUTH environment variable. I'd test it locally (by adding the env variable to the deploy yaml, for instance) and then replicate the setup on aws with , as it is absolutely not recommended to add credentials to your deployment yaml files (not sure the parameter store variables you can add will build time, you may need to sync with your infra support team).
Here's how to add them locally:0 -
Actually, checkout
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Hi Victor,
Thanks for your response. I tried to follow steps, but not able to use private keys in composer to authenticate.I will update, once done.
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