Glue API access-token and token endpoints

Hello all, I've been looking into the API specs of Spryker and I found that there are two types of toek requesting endpoints, one is '{{baseUrl}}/access-tokens' and another one is '{{baseUrl}}/token'. I couldn't make the latter work as well, tried a few options for passing the arguments and headers, but no luck. I would like to know about these two, things like which to use when. I've noticed that in some docs pages ( Like this,
), I can see the reference to "/token" endpoint. I would really appreciate if anyone from spryker could clear the air here for meBest Answer
Spryker provides API endpoints for customers and users.
Customers, using Glue API, have to use /access-tokens endpoint with storefront domain (see application glue ).
Users, using DataExchange API or Backend Glue API or Storefront Glue API, have to use /token endpoint with the corresponding domain (see application glue-backend or glue-storefront)
Please check this documentation:
I hope this helps.
Spryker provides API endpoints for customers and users.
Customers, using Glue API, have to use /access-tokens endpoint with storefront domain (see application glue ).
Users, using DataExchange API or Backend Glue API or Storefront Glue API, have to use /token endpoint with the corresponding domain (see application glue-backend or glue-storefront)
Please check this documentation:
I hope this helps.
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