S3 bucket issue

Hello Team,
Today, we've set up the S3 bucket details in the config_default.php file. With this configuration, we can successfully retrieve all uploaded files from S3 within our custom module for processing custom data.
Is there a method provided by Spryker to execute the default import from an S3 bucket?
I think you are looking for
?0 -
Hello Victor,
Is there any redimate solution for this so that we just install and use this.?
we know about this link but we are looking for any other solution.0 -
Hello Victor
when i trying to setup using above link getting below error:
Exception: rewind(): Stream does not support seekingvendor/bin/console data:import --config=data/import/local/au_inventory_price.yml -t Store: AU | Code bucket: EU | Environment: docker.dev Starting import with data/import/local/au_inventory_price.yml configuration file. ErrorException - Exception: rewind(): Stream does not support seeking in /data/src/Pyz/Zed/DataImport/Business/Model/DataReader/CsvReader/CsvReader.php (321) Command: vendor/bin/console data:import --config=data/import/local/au_inventory_price.yml -t
Unable to fix this error. Please help on this.
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I would suggest you try to reproduce it with the default demoshop code, share how you're setting up the connection and then maybe we can understand what is happening.
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hey @ankur.porwal
could you solve the issue?
we struggle on the same place.
thanks steffen1 -
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey @ankur.porwal ,
Is there any redimate solution for this so that we just install and use this.?
As far as I know there isnt.
All the best,
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Reg. the exception, are you both sure there is write permission to that file as well? As far as i understand the "seekable" option the "read-only" is not enough.
All the best,
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