I am facing error while running codecept run tests after migrating spryker to latest version

shwetha.srinivas Spryker Customer Posts: 2 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

So, I have verified the codeception.yml files as such but I am not sure about how to fix this. so, if anyone have idea about this help me out


  • profuel
    profuel SSA Sprykee Posts: 83 🪐 - Explorer

    Sorry to hear about the issue after upgrade, @shwetha.srinivas.

    It looks to me that you have customized the code on the project.

    Could you please show your file \PyzTest\Yves\Application\ApplicationPresentationTester ?

  • shwetha.srinivas
    shwetha.srinivas Spryker Customer Posts: 2 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet


    * This file is part of the Spryker Commerce OS.
    * For full license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.


    namespace PyzTest\Yves\Application;

    use Codeception\Actor;

    * Inherited Methods
    @method @method @method void wantToTest($text)
    @method @method void wantTo($text)
    @method @method void execute($callable)
    @method @method void expectTo($prediction)
    @method @method void expect($prediction)
    @method @method void amGoingTo($argumentation)
    @method @method void am($role)
    @method @method void lookForwardTo($achieveValue)
    @method @method void comment($description)
    @method \Codeception\Lib\Friend haveFriend($name, $actorClass = NULL)
    @SuppressWarnings@SuppressWarnings (PHPMD)
    class ApplicationPresentationTester extends Actor
    use _generated\ApplicationPresentationTesterActions;

    * Define custom actions here