Hreflang for separated store setup

For optimizing SEO, we would need a "hreflang" reference for a product detail page, pointing to the same product on (any) other existing language.
a PDP for
would contain something like
<link href="" hreflang="fr_FR">
<link href="" hreflang="es_ES">
Best would be to provide this info along the product detail data.
Unfortunately, the given shop setup has a separate persistence for each store, so that one store does (and should) not know anything about other stores and its existing languages.
How can this be solved without coupling the stores? Does somebody faced a similar scenario? Or are there even any Spryker capabilities that would fulfill this requirement? Other ideas?
Best regards
Hi, Ingo!
That's not a unique question in my experience.
If you're using a single DB multistore, then my solution is to create a P&S that will make sure to create a single per DB entity that contains ALL urls of a single product, and each store uses this data to generate the section.
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Hi profuel, thanks for your response.
>Unfortunately, the given shop setup has a separate persistence for each store,
I think this clarifies our project situation … but yes, would love to have it in that "easy" way too …
We now think about having a "common" redis DB, but this also needs a lot of customization and adds coupling as well.
Best regards
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